Hardwood flooring has been used in many homes for a long time because of its appeal and how durable it is. However, in recent years, laminate flooring has gained more popularity because it has the same specifications as hardwood but is relatively cheaper.
Like any other flooring, laminate flooring is not an exception to damage and more so water damage, because they make its structure from wood by-products.
Water spillage should be wiped off immediately to minimize the chances of damaging your floor because the more water sits on your laminate flooring, the greater chances of damaging it.
Bulging, warping, and buckling are signs that water has penetrated your floor and has damaged it and should be rectified as soon as possible to prevent damage to the entire floor.

So how do you fix laminate floor water damage?
How to Fix Laminate Floor Water Damage?
Below are four simple steps on how to fix your water-damaged laminate flooring.
- Get the right tools & materials for the job.
- Check the source of the water damaging your floor and rectify it immediately.
- Carefully identify &mark the damaged planks.
- Carefully remove the water-damaged planks
- Replace the laminate planks.
Step 01: Get the Right Tools & Materials for the Job
Tools & materials you’ll need:
Equipment you’ll need:
- Rubber mallet.
- Tape measure.
- Utility knife.
- Pencil.
- Jigsaw or a handsaw.
- Tapping bar.
Materials you’ll need:
- 100% silicon sealant.
- Underlayment.
- Laminate flooring Planks matching the existing floor.
- Securing tape.
Step 02: Check the Source of the Water Damaging The Floor and Rectify it Immediately
Find and fix the source of the water that is flooding your room because There’s no point in fixing your laminate flooring if the problem is going to reoccur again.
You don’t want to fix your floor and have it waterlogged all over again therefore do not fix your laminate flooring until the source of the leakage is identified and fixed. One common area that goes unnoticed is under kitchen sinks and should be checked and fixed or call a plumber to do it for you.
Step 03: Carefully Identify & Mark the Damaged Planks
The most affected areas will have warped or will have visible bubbles. The area least affected will have discolored. This shows the presence of mold.
Thoroughly check the entire floor even the slightest dump and mark these areas with a pencil or securing tape. This will guide you to know the extent you’re going to remove without examining the damaged areas all over again.
Step 04: Carefully Remove the Water-Damaged Planks
Gently pull out the damaged planks, be careful not to damage the areas not affected, and Use a putty knife in areas that seem to be difficult to pull out.
In planks that are affected on some parts remove the entire plank as a unit. When done inspect your underlayment and check for mold and mildew.
Replace the underlayment on the areas that are affected the most. Replacing the underlayment roll out the required length and install them, making sure they don’t overlap.
Now it’s time to install the new planks.
Step 05: Replace the Laminate Planks
The planks used to replace should match the pre-existing vinyl flooring. Contact your supplier if you’re having trouble identifying matching laminates.
For easier installation work from the right side move to the left side. Place spacers between the laminate flooring and the wall to allow room for expansion. Make sure you follow the design that was done before as much as possible.
Proceed to interlock the planks to the next one. Use a tapping bar to make sure there are no gaps left in the joints. Make sure the end joints fit tight by tapping them with a rubber mallet.
Apply 100% silicon sealant on the edges to make sure the floor is as watertight as possible.
Place heavy objects on the repaired area and let it sit for about 3 hours. This is to ensure that the tiles properly stick together.
The steps for repairing water-damaged areas could be slightly difficult for some people. It is okay to call a professional if you’re not sure you can do It because attempting to fix it yourself might cause more damage to your floor.
It is 100% impossible to keep water off your laminate flooring because accidents often happen however, The key thing is to make sure you keep your laminate floor as dry as possible. Wipe off any water spillage as soon as they happen.